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Cucumber Background
A background section in a feature file allows you to extract a set of steps that are common to all scenarios in the file. If all scenarios have set of common steps, you can move them up into a Background element.
Example without Background
Feature: ATM application
Scenario: Withdraw money using debit card
Given I use my debit card
And I insert the card, enter the correct PIN
And I Press enter
When I make a withdrawal
Then I get the expected amount of money from the ATM
Scenario: Transfer money using debit card
Given I use my debit card
And I insert the card, enter the correct PIN
And I Press enter
When I make a transfer
Then Money should be transferred to target account
Example with Background
The above feature can be written using Background as below:
Feature: ATM application
Given I use my debit card
And I insert the card, enter the correct PIN
And I Press enter
Scenario: Withdraw money using debit card
When I make a withdrawal
Then I get the expected amount of money from the ATM
Scenario: Transfer money using debit card
When I make a transfer
Then Money should be transferred to target account
During runtime, the steps in the background are executed at the beginning of each scenario, just as they were added in each scenario. What we have done is made each individual scenario.
You can have a single Background element per feature file, and it must appear before any of the Scenario or Scenario Outline elements. You can give Background a name, and put a multiline description before the first step.
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