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Cucumber Data Tables
Sometime we may need to apply same step (Given, When, Then) to multiple set of data. In such case we need to describe data that doesn’t easily fit on a single line of Given, When, or Then. Gherkin allows describing the step in one line and all multiple set of data in a table right underneath a step.
The table should starts on the line immediately following the step,
Cells should be separated using the pipe character: |.
Cucumber will strip out the values in each cell, ignoring the surrounding whitespace. So we can format the table for good look by appending whitespaces.
In the previous example, we’ve used a heading for each column in the table. We can use headings down the side as below:
Given Employees with roles:
| name | Manu Manjunatha | Likitha | Advith |
| role | Developer | Tester | Junior Developer |
Using headings is optional, we can ignore using headings
Given Employees with roles:
| Manu Manjunatha | Developer |
| Likitha | Tester |
| Advith | Junior Developer |
In whichever the format we use data table, with/without headings, same should be implemented in step definition.
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