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Puppeteer handling edit boxes
Data for “textbox” or “textarea” HTML elements can be entered with the “type” method of ElementHandle
const fullname = await page.$("#fullname"); await fullname.type("Manu Manjunatha"); |
To clear the data from text boxes we don’t have any dedicated methods. We simulate clicks three times on the edit box then pressing backspace. It is like selecting all the data from the edit box and pressing backspace.
const fullname = await page.$("#fullname"); await fullname.type("Manu"); //clear editbox await fullname.click({clickCount: 3}); await page.keyboard.press('Backspace'); await fullname.type("Manu Manjunatha"); |
To check the entered value, read value property of ElementHandle as shown below:
const value = await (await fullname.getProperty("value")).jsonValue(); console.log(value); |
You can write the script and test these using our Test Page

Puppeteer edit boxes example
import { launch, Page } from 'puppeteer'; example();
async function example() { const browser = await launch({headless : false}); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport({ width: 1366, height: 768}); await page.goto('https://www.tools4testing.com/contents/puppeteer/testpages/registration-form-testpage'); await enterDetails(page); //wait for some time before closing, specify time in milliseconds await wait(5000); //Close browser await browser.close(); }
async function enterDetails(page: Page) : Promise<void> { //Edit Box --------------------------- const fullname = await page.$("#fullname"); await fullname.type("Manu"); //clear editbox await fullname.click({clickCount: 3}); await page.keyboard.press('Backspace'); await fullname.type("Manu Manjunatha"); //Check if input entered is correct await wait(1000); const value = await (await fullname.getProperty("value")).jsonValue(); console.log(value); }
//wait if needed async function wait(time) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, time) }); } |
Click here to learn to execute puppeteer example using typescript
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